Wednesday, 12 October 2011

IMRCEES Erasmus Mundus Scholarships

The International Masters in Russian, Central and East European Studies (IMRCEES) offers you the unique opportunity to combine a year of study in Glasgow in the UK with a year studying overseas (in English) at one of our renowned partner institutions and leads to the award of a double degree. It is recognised by the European Commission as an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course.

We are an international Consortium composed of six European universities and five non-European universities. Our network of associate non-educational partners from the business, public policy and NGO communities promotes student employability by offering a range of internships.

IMRCEES is intended for students wishing to pursue a career in government policy-making, the business world, diplomatic service, international organisations, and media or as preparation for further academic study through a PhD programme. Graduates will be equipped with the skills to address the myriad of socio-economic, and political/security challenges of the 21st century in one or more of the following critical geopolitical areas of the EU and its near abroad/neighbourhood: Central Asia; the Caucasus/Caspian Sea Basin; Russia; Central and Eastern Europe, including the Baltic Sea Region. Flexible and high quality language training is an essential part of IMRCEES.

An array of academic conferences, workshops and other socio-cultural events involving all Consortium partners will help to make the IMRCEES experience a truly rewarding one in terms of making lasting friendships and equipping you for a future professional career.

IMRCEES offers Erasmus Mundus scholarships – but the programme is also open to self-funding students. The application process for the first cohort of Erasmus Mundus IMRCEES students will begin in September 2011.

When applying for IMRCEES, applicants are invited to apply for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship (except if they have benefitted from such a scholarship before). Applicants will be informed if they are awarded a scholarship with the admission notification.

There are two different forms of scholarships, Category A and Category B. The scholarships’ terms depend on the student’s country of origin/residence and main academic and/or professional activity.

Category A scholarships are available for applicants who:
_are neither resident in one of the 27 EU member states or in an EEA-EFTA country (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein)
_nor carried out their main academic and/or professional activity for more than 12 months in any of the EU/EEA-EFTA member states in the last five years.

Category B scholarships are available for applicants who
_are resident in one of the 27 EU member states or in an EEA-EFTA country (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein) and/or
_regardless of their residence carried out their main academic and/or professional activity for more than 12 months in any of the EU/EEA-EFTA member states in the last five years.

IMRCEES Tuition Fees

For the Erasmus Mundus cohort commencing the 2-year programme in September 2012, the following tuition fees should be paid to the Consortium:

_€4,500 per semester for Category A (non-European) students
_€2,550 per semester for Category B (European) students

Scholarship students will receive a fee waiver to cover the difference between the Erasmus Mundus scholarship contribution to tuition fees and the actual tuition fees. For Category A scholarship students, this amounts to a fee waiver of €500 per semester and Category B scholarship students will receive a fee waiver of €550 per semester.

The participation costs for both non-European and European scholarship students cover all tuition fees and health insurance; they do not include accommodation as well as other living expenses and travel. For required travel see student mobility diagram.


Training for Leadership, decision making, skills, comunication, oration power, team-building and domination techniquees. Elegibility criteria: Advanced English. Admission open till October 15, 2011.

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