Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Beam Camp: Call for 2012 Project Proposals

Calling all Engineers, Architects, Designers, Sculptors, Builders, Chefs, Agriculturists, Videographers, Technologists, Artists and Makers of all kinds

IELTS coaching classes in Indore: full IELTS coaching - IELTS Writing, IELTS Reading, IELTS Listening and IELTS Speaking coaching. Material from British Council and Cambridge ESOL.

You supply the plan and vision. We’ll supply 100+ energetic campers and staff and 700+ acres of forest, mountain and lakes as studio, canvas and workshop. Submit your proposal today here ) to be one of Beam’s 2012 Project Masters.

Corporate Training in India - Management training courses, Business training courses, Teachers training courses, vocational training courses, English training courses.

Every year Beam commissions unique large-scale collaborative Projects that serve as centerpieces of each Beam session. Our Project Management Team work with the Project Masters to “translate” the Project blueprint into the camp context. Beam Campers and Staff work together to make the Project happen. Projects can range from the conceptual to the structural.

Leadership, Skills, Personality Development Leadership Training, Business communication, solving conflicts, team building and persoality training in Indore and Mumbai.


Beam Camp is a 8-week summer program comprised of two sessions for kids aged 7-17 in Strafford, New Hampshire. Beam Campers cultivate hands-on skills while exploring innovative thinking, design and the creative process. They transform ideas into artifacts and personal achievement into community success.Teams of campers work on different aspects of the Project each morning. In the afternoons, they participate in unique, in-depth, hands-on explorations in the arts, sciences, athletic or cultural fields.

Business English course in Indore: advanced English for Global Business with a foreign faculty and certified trainers from British Counsil for prompt success in international business.

| Take a look at our first six Beam Projects . Think about how your Project will introduce Beam to new materials, media, techniques, tools, methods and concepts.
| Each camp session is 24 days long, with six, three hour work days per week. Projects should therefore be of a scale large enough to busy 108 campers supervised by 20+ adults for approximately fifty hours.
| Project Ideas should be big and result in a finished, spectacular product.
| You and/or your team should be able to tell us exactly how a group of adults would execute the kind of idea you propose. Our expertise is “translating” Project Ideas into the Beam context, but you must be the expert in the field(s) involved in executing your proposal.
| Your idea should take advantage of Beam’s outdoor space and rural location, but it need not be about camp or children or nature.

September 19: Beam Project Call for Proposals opens
December 31: Final date for submissions
January 13: Finalist Submissions Selected
January 16-23: Discovery meetings/calls with Finalists
February 1: 2012 Projects Selected
March – May: Weekly Project Development Calls
May 11: Project Prototype Due
June 4: Project Blueprints Due

| Beam Camp will pay Project Master stipend of $2,500.00.
| Beam Camp will allocate $10,000.00 for the development, prototyping and execution of Beam Project.
| Beam Camp will reimburse Project Master’s reasonable travel costs.- Project Masters will participate in bi-weekly calls with Beam Project Staff April – June
| Project Masters will participate in 3 in-person meetings with Beam Project Staff March – June
| Project Master will be present at Beam Camp in New Hampshire for at least 4 days during the session at which Project is executed.

Go to to our Project Proposal form.
Proposal submissions are due December 31, 2011.
$10,000 for Project-specific materials including prototyping costs.

For further inquiries and to submit supplementary materials please email projectproposals@beamcamp.com.

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