Wednesday, 30 November 2011

CEU Degree Programs and Scholarships 2012-2013

The world-known Central European University invites applications for its 2012-2013 degree programs. Located in one of Europe's most elegant capital cities, Budapest, accredited in both the USA and Europe, CEU offers a uniquely international atmosphere of academic excellence, critical reflection, and social engagement. CEU students come from over 100 countries of five continents, our faculty - from 30 countries. There is no predominant national majority. This uniquely international atmosphere is one of the most appealing aspects of our student life. Any CEU graduate has an international network of personal and professional contacts enhancing their lives and careers.

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CEU and all its degree programs are registered and accredited in the US. The University and an increasing number of its programs are also accredited in Hungary. In addition, several CEU degrees are awarded jointly with other leading European universities. Thus, CEU education is globally recognized and highly valued opening unique career prospects for its graduates all over the world.

CEU welcomes applications from excellent candidates all over the world. The university’s admissions policy and criteria are set by its Senate in accordance with international practice. Candidates may simultaneously apply to two departments and to any number of degree programs within those selected departments. In order to continue attracting outstanding students regardless of their financial situation CEU offers an extensive range of financial aid packages. CEU follows non-discrimination policy in its admission process and in awarding financial aid.

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Both Master’s and Doctoral students are eligible for financial aid. Most doctoral students are awarded with fee waivers and three-year stipends of 8,500 Euro/year. 15% of our Master’s students pay no fees and receive stipends of 5800 Euro/year; 51% pay no fees and receive stipends of 3,800 Euro/year; and 11% are granted fee waivers. Also, 20% of students receive external scholarships, from such sources as the Erasmus Mundus program, as well as alumni, private, corporate, and governmental donations.
In addition, CEU is committed to rewarding academic excellence through our research grants and achievement awards.
CEU rewards financial aid primarily on the basis of academic merit. Decisions on financial aid may also take into account priorities connected to the university mission as well as documented financial need.
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Key admission dates 

  • January 25, 2012, 24:00 Pacific Standard Time (PST): application deadline for degree programs (exceptions are listed below.)
  • February 11, 2012: CEU-administered institutional TOEFL test and department-specific examinations.
  • After March 20, 2012: The admissions decisions are made available to candidates via the online application system.  

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  • January 4, 2012, 24:00 Pacific Standard Time (PST): 

Application deadline for eligible applicants to MESPOM  and Mundus MAPP  applying for “Category A” or “Category B” scholarships. Applications must be submitted complete with proof of English proficiency. 

  • May 4, 2012, 24:00 Pacific Standard Time (PST):

1. Application deadline for applicants to MESPOM   and Mundus MAPP   not applying for financial aid. Applications must be submitted complete with proof of English proficiency.
2. Application deadline for applicants to the one-year MA program in Public Policy not applying for financial aid. Applications must be submitted complete with proof of English proficiency.

NOTE: Different deadlines and procedures are applicable for the CEU Business School programs. For more information, visit: CEU Business School  

Admissions Process

The admissions process for Academic Year 2012/2013 is organized as follows:

January 25, 2012: Applications are submitted to degree programs.

Step 1: Pre-selection

Applications are evaluated on the basis of the applicant’s academic performance, work experience, recommendations, and expectations of the program and future plans.

Individual interviews may take place, face-to-face or by telephone, throughout the selection process.

After February 3, 2012: Pre-selection decisions are made available via the online application system. Successful applicants having applied to take any CEU-administered admissions examinations are notified of the testing arrangements by email.

Step 2: Testing

February 11, 2012: The CEU-administered TOEFL examination takes place.

February 11, 2012: Department-specific testing takes place:

  • Economics: Mathematics Test
  • Legal Studies: Legal Reasoning Test and Legal Essay
  • Mathematics: Mathematics examination
  • Medieval Studies: Supplementary examination
  • Political Science: Test of Writing Ability

Applicants who pass the pre-selection and who wish/are required to sit any CEU-administered admissions tests will be notified of the practical arrangements by the local CEU coordinators organizing the tests.

February 29, 2012: Standard English and other applicable test score reports must be received by the Admissions Office.

 Step 3: Final evaluation

Applicants are evaluated by a departmental selection committee on the basis of past academic achievement, recommendations, English language competency, intellectual merit and general compatibility with the goals of the department.

After March 20, 2012: The final admissions decisions are made available to candidates via the online application system.

CEU does not provide information about candidates’ admission progress before the deadlines given here. Candidates’ information (including test results) is confidential and only available to the candidate concerned.
Below is the list of the documents you need to prepare or arrange for submission:
1. Completed online CEU Application Form
2. Letters of recommendation
3. Academic records
4. A full curriculum vitae or resume, including a list of publications, if any
5. Department- and program-specific requirements (statement of purpose, research proposal, additional test scores, etc.)
6. Proof of English proficiency

Read all information and download forms here:
For all your enquiries about the admissions process, contact the following offices at CEU:

Admissions Office

Central European University
Nador u. 15, 4th floor
1051 Budapest, Hungary
Phone: (+36-1) 327 3272
Fax: (+36-1) 327 3211
Email: admissions [at] ceu [dot] hu


Zsuzsanna Jaszberenyi, Head, Admissions Services
Phone: (+36-1) 327 3009, Email: admissions [at] ceu [dot] hu
Andrea Horvath, Admissions Coordinator
Phone: (+36-1) 327 3272, Email: admissions [at] ceu [dot] hu
Gyongyi Kovacs, Admissions Coordinator
Phone: (+36-1) 327 3208, Email: admissions [at] ceu [dot] hu
Csaba Mezo, Admissions Coordinator
Phone: (+36-1) 327 3210, Email: admissions [at] ceu [dot] hu
Zsuzsanna Bukta, Admissions Assistant
Phone: (+36-1) 327 3068, Email: admissions [at] ceu [dot] hu

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