Wednesday, 30 November 2011

CEU Degree Programs and Scholarships 2012-2013

The world-known Central European University invites applications for its 2012-2013 degree programs. Located in one of Europe's most elegant capital cities, Budapest, accredited in both the USA and Europe, CEU offers a uniquely international atmosphere of academic excellence, critical reflection, and social engagement. CEU students come from over 100 countries of five continents, our faculty - from 30 countries. There is no predominant national majority. This uniquely international atmosphere is one of the most appealing aspects of our student life. Any CEU graduate has an international network of personal and professional contacts enhancing their lives and careers.

Corporate Training in India - Management training courses, Business training courses, Teachers training courses, vocational training courses, English training courses.

CEU and all its degree programs are registered and accredited in the US. The University and an increasing number of its programs are also accredited in Hungary. In addition, several CEU degrees are awarded jointly with other leading European universities. Thus, CEU education is globally recognized and highly valued opening unique career prospects for its graduates all over the world.

CEU welcomes applications from excellent candidates all over the world. The university’s admissions policy and criteria are set by its Senate in accordance with international practice. Candidates may simultaneously apply to two departments and to any number of degree programs within those selected departments. In order to continue attracting outstanding students regardless of their financial situation CEU offers an extensive range of financial aid packages. CEU follows non-discrimination policy in its admission process and in awarding financial aid.

IELTS coaching classes in Indore: full IELTS coaching - IELTS Writing, IELTS Reading, IELTS Listening and IELTS Speaking coaching. Material from British Council and Cambridge ESOL.

Both Master’s and Doctoral students are eligible for financial aid. Most doctoral students are awarded with fee waivers and three-year stipends of 8,500 Euro/year. 15% of our Master’s students pay no fees and receive stipends of 5800 Euro/year; 51% pay no fees and receive stipends of 3,800 Euro/year; and 11% are granted fee waivers. Also, 20% of students receive external scholarships, from such sources as the Erasmus Mundus program, as well as alumni, private, corporate, and governmental donations.
In addition, CEU is committed to rewarding academic excellence through our research grants and achievement awards.
CEU rewards financial aid primarily on the basis of academic merit. Decisions on financial aid may also take into account priorities connected to the university mission as well as documented financial need.
Leadership, Skills, Personality Development Leadership Training, Business communication, solving conflicts, team building and persoality training in Indore and Mumbai.

Key admission dates 

  • January 25, 2012, 24:00 Pacific Standard Time (PST): application deadline for degree programs (exceptions are listed below.)
  • February 11, 2012: CEU-administered institutional TOEFL test and department-specific examinations.
  • After March 20, 2012: The admissions decisions are made available to candidates via the online application system.  

Business English course in Indore: advanced English for Global Business with a foreign faculty and certified trainers from British Counsil for prompt success in international business.


  • January 4, 2012, 24:00 Pacific Standard Time (PST): 

Application deadline for eligible applicants to MESPOM  and Mundus MAPP  applying for “Category A” or “Category B” scholarships. Applications must be submitted complete with proof of English proficiency. 

  • May 4, 2012, 24:00 Pacific Standard Time (PST):

1. Application deadline for applicants to MESPOM   and Mundus MAPP   not applying for financial aid. Applications must be submitted complete with proof of English proficiency.
2. Application deadline for applicants to the one-year MA program in Public Policy not applying for financial aid. Applications must be submitted complete with proof of English proficiency.

NOTE: Different deadlines and procedures are applicable for the CEU Business School programs. For more information, visit: CEU Business School  

Admissions Process

The admissions process for Academic Year 2012/2013 is organized as follows:

January 25, 2012: Applications are submitted to degree programs.

Step 1: Pre-selection

Applications are evaluated on the basis of the applicant’s academic performance, work experience, recommendations, and expectations of the program and future plans.

Individual interviews may take place, face-to-face or by telephone, throughout the selection process.

After February 3, 2012: Pre-selection decisions are made available via the online application system. Successful applicants having applied to take any CEU-administered admissions examinations are notified of the testing arrangements by email.

Step 2: Testing

February 11, 2012: The CEU-administered TOEFL examination takes place.

February 11, 2012: Department-specific testing takes place:

  • Economics: Mathematics Test
  • Legal Studies: Legal Reasoning Test and Legal Essay
  • Mathematics: Mathematics examination
  • Medieval Studies: Supplementary examination
  • Political Science: Test of Writing Ability

Applicants who pass the pre-selection and who wish/are required to sit any CEU-administered admissions tests will be notified of the practical arrangements by the local CEU coordinators organizing the tests.

February 29, 2012: Standard English and other applicable test score reports must be received by the Admissions Office.

 Step 3: Final evaluation

Applicants are evaluated by a departmental selection committee on the basis of past academic achievement, recommendations, English language competency, intellectual merit and general compatibility with the goals of the department.

After March 20, 2012: The final admissions decisions are made available to candidates via the online application system.

CEU does not provide information about candidates’ admission progress before the deadlines given here. Candidates’ information (including test results) is confidential and only available to the candidate concerned.
Below is the list of the documents you need to prepare or arrange for submission:
1. Completed online CEU Application Form
2. Letters of recommendation
3. Academic records
4. A full curriculum vitae or resume, including a list of publications, if any
5. Department- and program-specific requirements (statement of purpose, research proposal, additional test scores, etc.)
6. Proof of English proficiency

Read all information and download forms here:
For all your enquiries about the admissions process, contact the following offices at CEU:

Admissions Office

Central European University
Nador u. 15, 4th floor
1051 Budapest, Hungary
Phone: (+36-1) 327 3272
Fax: (+36-1) 327 3211
Email: admissions [at] ceu [dot] hu


Zsuzsanna Jaszberenyi, Head, Admissions Services
Phone: (+36-1) 327 3009, Email: admissions [at] ceu [dot] hu
Andrea Horvath, Admissions Coordinator
Phone: (+36-1) 327 3272, Email: admissions [at] ceu [dot] hu
Gyongyi Kovacs, Admissions Coordinator
Phone: (+36-1) 327 3208, Email: admissions [at] ceu [dot] hu
Csaba Mezo, Admissions Coordinator
Phone: (+36-1) 327 3210, Email: admissions [at] ceu [dot] hu
Zsuzsanna Bukta, Admissions Assistant
Phone: (+36-1) 327 3068, Email: admissions [at] ceu [dot] hu

1st International Citizen Media Award 2011

Scholarship / Financial aid: 1st prize: 1000 €

Date: N/A

Deadline: 30 July 2011

Open to: single participants, groups, associations, civil initiatives, school classes, producers, actors

Business English course in Indore: advanced English for Global Business with a foreign faculty and certified trainers from British Counsil for prompt success in international business.


The 1st International Citizen Media Award intends to honor tremendous work in the field of citizen media and its products in the categories VIDEO, AUDIO and INTERNET that have been created by private, non-commercial producers. The award distinguishes the dedication of these European, national and international producers and their reporting concerning locally, regionally, globally and socially relevant topics.

At the same time this prize should support the commitment of citizens, volunteers and activists to get involved in the development and setup of an active civil society.

Leadership, Skills, Personality Development Leadership Training, Business communication, solving conflicts, team building and persoality training in Indore and Mumbai.


The jury awards the prize in the following categories:

_Video (individual product, short movie, movie in a television broadcast, video podcast, etc.)
_Audio (individual product, radio spot in a radio broadcast, podcast, etc.)
_Internet (homepage, blog, portal, etc.)


3 prizes per category:

1st prize: 1000 € – trophy – certificate
2nd prize: Participation in an international media camp or media seminar – certificate
3rd prize: Digital photo camera – certificate

IELTS coaching classes in Indore: full IELTS coaching - IELTS Writing, IELTS Reading, IELTS Listening and IELTS Speaking coaching. Material from British Council and Cambridge ESOL.


The competition is worldwide open for single participants, groups, associations, civil initiatives, school classes and especially for producers, actors and editorial teams in the field of citizen media work.

Type and quantity of products

There can be send products that have been created between March 2010 and the end of July 2011. Every participant/ group can only sent one product per category. They should not exceed a running time of 20 minutes.

Corporate Training in India - Management training courses, Business training courses, Teachers training courses, vocational training courses, English training courses.

Content of products

The topic for the 2011 award is: POVERTY

Poverty is a worldwide problem which shows up in several facets. There are differences in the understanding of “poverty”. In industrial states poverty is interpreted different than in less developed countries. There are also different personal and social views and strategies to overcome poverty. Tendered products should medially present the different types of poverties as well as different ways to get out of it. The personal dedication of the producers is in the forefront of the jury’s interest.

Beside the personal interest, quality, medial implementation, activity, authenticity, extent and relevance of research, design elements and innovativeness are relevant. Special features of the products in the different categories (genres) will be especially considered by the jury.


Applications can be send postally in the form of a CD, DVD, MiniDV cassette or an USB flash drive. Alternatively links to portals can be sent, where the audio and video productions can be downloaded permanently. Furthermore the possibility of uploading audio and video products up to the website is also given. There you can find instructions how to do so in the accordant rubric. Concerning internet projects a link adress is enough.

Download application form

Every medium has to be fully signed with name, title, date of production and category.

An application is only accepted if the attached document of registration is fully filled, signed and sent.

In the categories VIDEO and AUDIO products should not exceed a running time of 20 minutes.

Concerning the INTERNET category only the URL address must be signed in the registration document.

Product language:

English or mother tongue including English subtitles/ translation

Products in the category VIDEO (without subtitles), AUDIO or INTERNET using mother tongue must include a translation (transcript) as a document!


How to Prepare for an Interview

If you're after a job, an interview is normally expected if your application awakens the employer's interest. In the case of scholarship applications, if interviews are part of the application process, than this is normally stated in the application details you receive together with your application form. The part below deals with what you should do if you receive an invitation to an interview, both before, during and after it.

Before the interview

Preparation before an interview IS A MUST. Before stepping the interview room, you should document in detail about the program you are applying to, the kind of question you expect to be asked, how much the interview will last, etc.

Corporate Training in India - Management training courses, Business training courses, Teachers training courses, vocational training courses, English training courses.

While an interview is clearly a testing situation, and you should be prepared accordingly, you're not facing the Inquisition there. The goal of a Western-style interview is to put you in the best possible light. The interviewer wants to get an impression about what kind of person you are, to complete the image s/he has from the application documents with things that cannot be put on paper. Therefore, you should expect a formal, but relaxed atmosphere, in which you will do most of the talking.

IELTS coaching classes in Indore: full IELTS coaching - IELTS Writing, IELTS Reading, IELTS Listening and IELTS Speaking coaching. Material from British Council and Cambridge ESOL.

First, try to read as much as possible about the company/scholarship program you have applied to. If you haven't done this yet, this is a proper time. If it's a company, find out exactly what they do, how successful they are, what is their market position, what they and others think about their corporate culture, what somebody with your job does there, how a usual day looks like. If it's a scholarship, look at what subjects you'll study, how many will they be, how much freedom you have in choosing the subjects, how your work will be assessed, professors, the size of the department, student/faculty ratio, accommodation, extracurricular activities, cultural life. In short, try to get an as exact as possible image about what you'll do if you get the scholarship/job. Write down whatever is of interest to you, what is not clear, or what you'd like to find out more about. During the actual interview, there's almost always a time when it's your turn to ask question and you'll want to have some useful questions to ask.

Leadership, Skills, Personality Development Leadership Training, Business communication, solving conflicts, team building and persoality training in Indore and Mumbai.

Second, re-read the announcement. Examine the requirements, think of reasons and examples that prove you can meet those requirements. Very probably, you'll be asked questions about that during the interview. Attention: don't exaggerate, you'll seem overqualified, and don't lie: it may sound paranoid, but you never know how will "they" J be able to double check what you say. Look at the job/scholarship description: what recommends you for that thing? That's another probable question. In some interviews, the question will be even more direct: why are you the best for that place? You'd better have some answer here. And be convinced you are the best: it will show during the interview, and help increase your chances. Attention: there's always a thin line between self-confidence (the good thing) and arrogance (should we say, obviously, a bad thing J).

Third, try to find out how much the interview will last, who's gonna be your interviewer, even, if possible, what topics are of most interest to him/her and will show up during the discussion. Of course, that is easier to do if you get the invitation by phone, but there's always a second option: do some digging in their website, some useful material may show up, or get in contact with persons who have been through the interview before you.

Business English course in Indore: advanced English for Global Business with a foreign faculty and certified trainers from British Counsil for prompt success in international business.

Fourth, there are a few common questions which show up in almost any interview. Prepare answers for them and ask a second opinion on those answers from a friend. While specific questions appear in each interview, take a look at the list below - you'll meet some of these questions for sure:

1. Why are you good for... what recommends you for...?
2. Mention 1 or 3 personal qualities/downsides.
3. Why this program/job?
4. In what way do you meet the requirements for...?
5. How do you see yourself in five years' time/ what is your career plan?
6. Tell us about a situation where you have proven to be a leader/innovator/person with initiative.
7. Don't you think you are too young/too old for...?
8. How are your studies/your background fit for...?
9. For a scholarship interview: How will you use what you learn later?
10. How does this scholarship/job meet your future plans?

We're sure you'll be able to think of a few other, more particular questions that fit your situation and are likely to show up during the interview. Fin answers for those as well. When you're done with all this answer finding, have a rehearsal or two. Get a friend who will play the interviewer and ask you questions. Do this in an atmosphere as interview-like as possible and, of course, in the language in which the interview will take place.


More on interview preparation: Interview tips, job interview, campus recruitment and interview training in India.

U-Active Forum: Networking for Developing Youth Projects

We are pleased to invite you to the first Forum of International Youth Projects, titled “U-Active: Networking for developing youth projects”. The Forum will take place on the 24-26 November, 2011 in Grodno, Belarus. The Forum intends to bring together interesting, initiative and active students all over Europe and let them exchange their ideas by providing informative sessions and learning opportunities with outstanding speakers who have a huge international project experience and a will to help us with idea and project generation.

Business English course in Indore: advanced English for Global Business with a foreign faculty and certified trainers from British Counsil for prompt success in international business.

This is supposed to be the Forum where there will be a chance to establish contacts with young people, share experience, find partners for interesting project ideas and probably for future social and business projects. U-active Forum idea has been developed by a group of students studying in Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and acting in Youth-In-Club, nonformal group of students interested in developing and participating in international projects. “U-active” has a triple meaning: “you active”, “active youth” and “active University”. We are proud to welcome our delegates from all over Europe, especially those coming from our partner universities.

Leadership, Skills, Personality Development Leadership Training, Business communication, solving conflicts, team building and persoality training in Indore and Mumbai.

Important Dates
3th November, 2011 - Registration deadline
7th November, 2011 - Participant notification
24th - 26th November, 2011 - Forum days
Each participant has to register for the U-Active Forum. The deadline for registration is 3th November, 2011. Please fill in the Registration Form on-line carefully to provide us the relevant information (especially those who need visa to Belarus) and send us your short CV. There is a recruitment process for all applicants. All participants will be notified by e-mail until 7th November, 2011. The information about participants will be also published on the web-page.

IELTS coaching classes in Indore: full IELTS coaching - IELTS Writing, IELTS Reading, IELTS Listening and IELTS Speaking coaching. Material from British Council and Cambridge ESOL.

Registration Fee
There is also a registration fee for participants of the U-Active Forum.
Participants have to make a payment of:
- 20 EUR: all participants
- 70 000 BYR: Belarusian participants
Donations from participants should be made on their arrival at the registration point. Donations in Euro are accepted equivalent to Belarusian rubles on the day of arrival.
The registration fee includes:
  • participation in the Forum;
  • access to all the program sessions;
  • coffee breaks during sessions;
  • conference materials;
  • breakfasts, lunches and dinners throughout the Forum;
  • accommodation in the student's dormitories during the Forum;
  • cultural program.

Corporate Training in India - Management training courses, Business training courses, Teachers training courses, vocational training courses, English training courses.

Who can participate?
U-Active Forum intends to bring together interesting, initiative and active young people all over Europe and especially from partner universities. The Forum encourages the participation of both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

You can participate in the Forum if you:
- have high motivation and active life style;
- are a leader of a youth or student organization;
- have some experience of youth projects realization;
- would like to realize joint international projects;
- would like to exchange your experience with Belarusian students;
- have good knowledge of English (communicative level).
Main requirements:
- To fill in the registration form (on-line);
- Provide a short CV (1 page).

Contact Information
tel.: +375 152 731 954, fax: +375 152 731 910

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Middle East Studies

George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs, USA

Leadership, Skills, Personality Development Leadership Training, Business communication, solving conflicts, team building and persoality training in Indore and Mumbai.

Scholarship / Financial aid: a salary of $40,000, medical benefits, access to the GW library, computer+office

Date: September 1 - May 31, 2012

Deadline: January 31, 2012

Open to: applicants from any academic discipline, with a background in the Middle East, North Africa, or Iran

Corporate Training in India - Management training courses, Business training courses, Teachers training courses, vocational training courses, English training courses.

The Institute for Middle East Studies at the George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs invites applications for the position of Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Middle East Studies. Fellows may come from any academic discipline, as long as their
primary substantive specialization is in the Middle East, North Africa, or Iran. Candidates should receive their Ph.D. on or before September 1st of the fellowship year. The Fellow must be in residence at IMES for the duration of
the grant period (September 1 - May 31), and is expected to take an active part in the intellectual life of the Institute, including giving a research presentation. This position offers a salary of $40,000, medical benefits, access to the GW library system, a computer, and an office.

IELTS coaching classes in Indore: full IELTS coaching - IELTS Writing, IELTS Reading, IELTS Listening and IELTS Speaking coaching. Material from British Council and Cambridge ESOL.

To Apply:
The candidate is required to submit the following to
- CV
- Statement of research
- Writing sample (an article or a chapter)
- Contact information for 2 references

Deadline: We will begin reviewing applications on January 31, 2012.

Business English course in Indore: advanced English for Global Business with a foreign faculty and certified trainers from British Counsil for prompt success in international business.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Vacancy for EVS Volunteer in Poland

Centre for Creative Activity is looking for EVS volunteer for the period of February-November 2012. Our project is about promoting voluntarism, building local activism. Volunteer is a person involved in making actions, workshops for youth and children, can also to adults. During EVS you will be involved in coordinating local and international projects, fundraising, writing application for grants and working at school:))) also sometimes you will be involve in travelling in a region with promotion of youth in action and your country!

Business English course in Indore: advanced English for Global Business with a foreign faculty and certified trainers from British Counsil for prompt success in international business.

EURODESK INFORMATION POINT  - answering mails, updating website , making databases (for ex: grants, international summer courses etc)  - helping with international events 
NDIVIDUAL WORSHOPS - This activity depends of a volunteer him/her self. Depending of the wanted activity and the profile of volunteer that we will host, they will have opportunity to develop their own activity by share of his/her own interest (which means that if they are good in theatre they will have chance to organize theatre worshops or if they are good in belly dance, we will start new open for local youth).  Our main target are kids and younsgters till end of university

Corporate Training in India - Management training courses, Business training courses, Teachers training courses, vocational training courses, English training courses.

WORKING ON A FIELD - In this part we planned to bring volunteers in projects on which we work, like:  - helping with local actions like: helping with studies for youth - organising free time activities for kids and youth such as concerts.  - promotion of the European integration process ( in a political and social meaning) by developing.  The four main areas, where we plan that the foreign volunteers could involve in are:  - cooperation with European School Clubs (ESC) - informal unions between the students and teachers in different types of schools from the following voivodeships: LUBUSKIE, WIELKOPOLSKIE, DOLNOŒL¥SKIE. The volunteers will travel around those voivodeships to give lectures and make workshops in kindergardens, schools about their own countries (traditions, history, educational system, young people's lifestyles) and the European Union (especialy educationals programms for youth). Apart from this the volunteers will help our volunteers to organise Europan day and Europan Youth Conference. To show the possibilities in EU for young people.  This part can be flexible, because volunteers will be involved in everything that we will do in a certain moment. If we will organize art festival they will have opportunity to be involved. In periods where field work is not necessary volunteers will have chance to develop their own  3) St. Staszic Complex of Schools in Wschowa  - helping Career Councelour with office work and leading worshops for youth

Leadership, Skills, Personality Development Leadership Training, Business communication, solving conflicts, team building and persoality training in Indore and Mumbai.


We would like to welcome a volunteer in the age between 18 - 30 y.o. with as much artistic as realistic soul, who is enthusiastic and keen to do a lot of different activities, who would like to either teach teenagers important things about dance, music, theatre and/or acting or, help with creating/editing webside of our partners institutions and our NGO. We plan that the volunteer to his/her advantage will learn many things about Polish culture and language. We need a person who would like to share with kids, and youth what is "youth in action" and what kind of europan programmes they can use in their lifes. That person should like working with children and teenagers and have communicative command of English language.It would be also perfect if person is experienced in writing grants application and fundraising. Selected candidate will be contacted in order to receive further information about the procedure and to explain details about our organisation and the available acivities in Centre for Creative Activity.

IELTS coaching classes in Indore: full IELTS coaching - IELTS Writing, IELTS Reading, IELTS Listening and IELTS Speaking coaching. Material from British Council and Cambridge ESOL.

- CV  and cover letter 
- Movie about herself/himself (with info how they can contribute project , why they choose our project) 
TILL 10.10.2011 - 23.59 CET TO THE EMAIL EVS@FUNDACJA-CAT.PL.  MAILS SENT TO KONTAKT@FUNDACJA-CAT.PL WOULD BE REJECTED AUTOMATICALLY!!! We prefer if sending organisation can apply in its own country, becuase our project is still running (first one)
  • Contact person: Marlena Pujsza Kunikowska
  • Organisation: Centre for Creative Activity
  •   Location: Leszno, Poland
  • Deadline: 10/10/2011
  • Start: 27/02/2012
  • End: 26/11/2012

Beam Camp: Call for 2012 Project Proposals

Calling all Engineers, Architects, Designers, Sculptors, Builders, Chefs, Agriculturists, Videographers, Technologists, Artists and Makers of all kinds

IELTS coaching classes in Indore: full IELTS coaching - IELTS Writing, IELTS Reading, IELTS Listening and IELTS Speaking coaching. Material from British Council and Cambridge ESOL.

You supply the plan and vision. We’ll supply 100+ energetic campers and staff and 700+ acres of forest, mountain and lakes as studio, canvas and workshop. Submit your proposal today here ) to be one of Beam’s 2012 Project Masters.

Corporate Training in India - Management training courses, Business training courses, Teachers training courses, vocational training courses, English training courses.

Every year Beam commissions unique large-scale collaborative Projects that serve as centerpieces of each Beam session. Our Project Management Team work with the Project Masters to “translate” the Project blueprint into the camp context. Beam Campers and Staff work together to make the Project happen. Projects can range from the conceptual to the structural.

Leadership, Skills, Personality Development Leadership Training, Business communication, solving conflicts, team building and persoality training in Indore and Mumbai.


Beam Camp is a 8-week summer program comprised of two sessions for kids aged 7-17 in Strafford, New Hampshire. Beam Campers cultivate hands-on skills while exploring innovative thinking, design and the creative process. They transform ideas into artifacts and personal achievement into community success.Teams of campers work on different aspects of the Project each morning. In the afternoons, they participate in unique, in-depth, hands-on explorations in the arts, sciences, athletic or cultural fields.

Business English course in Indore: advanced English for Global Business with a foreign faculty and certified trainers from British Counsil for prompt success in international business.

| Take a look at our first six Beam Projects . Think about how your Project will introduce Beam to new materials, media, techniques, tools, methods and concepts.
| Each camp session is 24 days long, with six, three hour work days per week. Projects should therefore be of a scale large enough to busy 108 campers supervised by 20+ adults for approximately fifty hours.
| Project Ideas should be big and result in a finished, spectacular product.
| You and/or your team should be able to tell us exactly how a group of adults would execute the kind of idea you propose. Our expertise is “translating” Project Ideas into the Beam context, but you must be the expert in the field(s) involved in executing your proposal.
| Your idea should take advantage of Beam’s outdoor space and rural location, but it need not be about camp or children or nature.

September 19: Beam Project Call for Proposals opens
December 31: Final date for submissions
January 13: Finalist Submissions Selected
January 16-23: Discovery meetings/calls with Finalists
February 1: 2012 Projects Selected
March – May: Weekly Project Development Calls
May 11: Project Prototype Due
June 4: Project Blueprints Due

| Beam Camp will pay Project Master stipend of $2,500.00.
| Beam Camp will allocate $10,000.00 for the development, prototyping and execution of Beam Project.
| Beam Camp will reimburse Project Master’s reasonable travel costs.- Project Masters will participate in bi-weekly calls with Beam Project Staff April – June
| Project Masters will participate in 3 in-person meetings with Beam Project Staff March – June
| Project Master will be present at Beam Camp in New Hampshire for at least 4 days during the session at which Project is executed.

Go to to our Project Proposal form.
Proposal submissions are due December 31, 2011.
$10,000 for Project-specific materials including prototyping costs.

For further inquiries and to submit supplementary materials please email

Learning Arabic Language and Culture in Morocco

An Arabic Language and Culture session is a special activity that the Forum Communication des Cultures (FCC) organizes this year. The sessions will be held in Youssoufia/Rabat, Morocco.

Business English course in Indore: advanced English for Global Business with a foreign faculty and certified trainers from British Counsil for prompt success in international business.

The objectives of this activity are:
- Giving to people the opportunity to get basic knowledge about Arabic language and culture. That knowledge could be useful for him in their studies or in their daily life or in their travels in countries speaking this language.
- Giving the opportunity to people to get in touch with the Moroccan culture and its way of life, and in consequences achieve a fruitful cultural exchange.
- Giving the opportunity to people has some basic knowledge about this language to brush up it and be adapted to different ways to use it.
- Trying to connect Volunteers with friends from abroad so as to correspond between them in English or Arabic as a tool to promote their international understaning and knowledge and establish new friendship.

Leadership, Skills, Personality Development Leadership Training, Business communication, solving conflicts, team building and persoality training in Indore and Mumbai.

2012–2013 Fellows Program in Imperial Legacies and International Politics in the Post-Soviet Space

The Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies - Harvard University’s center for interdisciplinary research and study of Russia and the countries surrounding it - is pleased to announce the theme for its 2012–2013 Fellows Program. The Fellows Program brings together scholars at early and later stages in their careers to consider a common theme spanning the social sciences and humanities. Professors Timothy Colton (Government) and Serhii Plokhii (History) will coordinate the 2012–2013 program. We are interested in applications from scholars currently working on our chosen theme, or equally those working on unrelated themes, but who are interested in exploring our theme. (Note that scholars whose work does not address the selected theme are encouraged to apply for fellowships at the Davis Center, and their applications will receive full consideration.)

Corporate Training in India - Management training courses, Business training courses, Teachers training courses, vocational training courses, English training courses.


The theme for 2012–2013 is "Imperial Legacies and International Politics in the Post-Soviet Space," constituting an examination of the international and transnational politics of the post-Soviet space in historical perspective. Areas to be explored under this theme include history, identity issues, security, political economy, and regime building in Russia, Ukraine, and other countries of the region. Other topics of interest include social and cultural factors such as migration, public health, religion, organized crime, environmental degradation, popular culture, and the mass media.

IELTS coaching classes in Indore: full IELTS coaching - IELTS Writing, IELTS Reading, IELTS Listening and IELTS Speaking coaching. Material from British Council and Cambridge ESOL.

In addition to pursuing their own research, Fellows will participate in a bi-weekly interdisciplinary seminar series that will explore the theme. Papers will be presented by the visiting Fellows, Harvard faculty, and invited outside speakers.

Leadership, Skills, Personality Development Leadership Training, Business communication, solving conflicts, team building and persoality training in Indore and Mumbai.

Types of Awards
The Center offers three types of fellowships: Postdoctoral, Senior, and Regional. The maximum stipend amounts for these awards are detailed below. Scholars with outside or sabbatical funding who wish to be in residence at the Davis Center in 2012–2013 should apply using the fellowships application and indicate that they do not require Davis Center funding. If selected, they will join the Center as Postdoctoral, Senior, or Regional Fellows.

Business English course in Indore: advanced English for Global Business with a foreign faculty and certified trainers from British Counsil for prompt success in international business.

Postdoctoral Fellowships
-For junior scholars who will have completed the Ph.D. or equivalent by September 2012, but no earlier than September 2007 (less than five years).
-Stipend of up to $38,000.
-Citizens of all countries may apply.

Senior Fellowships
-For senior scholars who have already made a significant contribution to the field.
-Applicants will have completed the Ph.D. or equivalent prior to September 2007 and hold a full-time academic appointment.
-Stipend of up to $26,000 to bring salary to full-time level. In certain situations, if the stipend and the applicant's sabbatical pay are insufficient to cover necessary costs, the Davis Center may be able to provide additional funds.
-Citizens of all countries may apply.

Regional Fellowships
-For advanced scholars, policymakers, journalists, and other specialists.
-Stipend of up to $46,000.
-Citizens of Russia, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Caucasus may apply.

Deadline for applications: January 9, 2012

If you have any questions, please contact the Fellows Program at, tel. 617.495.0466.

Website and application:

The University of Texas at Dallas Arts & Technology Scholarship

The Arts & Technology Scholarship is funded by the Metroplex Technology Business Council 2008 Tech Titan Award and the Greater Texas Foundation. The award will be a total of $2000 towards tuition for one year, or $1000 per Fall and Spring semester. COMPLETED APPLICATIONS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN March 15, 2012.

Business English course in Indore: advanced English for Global Business with a foreign faculty and certified trainers from British Counsil for prompt success in international business.

• Students must be Arts & Technology or Emerging Media & Communication majors.
• Scholarships will be awarded to undergraduates. Applicants must or will be enrolled as full-time students (12 SCH).
• Scholarship recipients must enroll in at least one course in Arts & Technology or Emerging
Media & Communication each semester.
• Students must have at least a 3.0 GPA to qualify for the award and to continue to receive the
• If a student drops a course and/or earns less than the required GPA, s/he will be placed on
probation the following semester and the Arts & Technology Scholarship committee will review her/his case.
• If graduating in December, students who apply during their junior year will receive one-half of the award (for the fall semester of their senior year).

Leadership, Skills, Personality Development Leadership Training, Business communication, solving conflicts, team building and persoality training in Indore and Mumbai.

Students must submit the following materials:
1. Essay (approximately 250-300 words). Please address the following: What role will Arts & Technology play in your education? What do you hope to gain during your learning experiences at UT Dallas? What contribution do you expect to make to the Arts & Technology program at UT Dallas? (Arts & Technology includes the Emerging Media & Communication degree).
2. Up to 2 letters of recommendation that speak to your academic or professional ability.
3. Work sample and short description of work submitted (For group work, please describe what your role was in the project). Materials will not be returned.

IELTS coaching classes in Indore: full IELTS coaching - IELTS Writing, IELTS Reading, IELTS Listening and IELTS Speaking coaching. Material from British Council and Cambridge ESOL.

Please submit a portfolio (CD, or web link) of your best material
Limit: 3-5 minutes of a reel or video, 6-8 screen shots or four pages maximum of written work including an abstract. Quality not quantity is vital.

Corporate Training in India - Management training courses, Business training courses, Teachers training courses, vocational training courses, English training courses.

Completed applications should be sent to:
Tara Lewis, Assistant Dean
School of Arts & Humanities, AT 10
The University of Texas at Dallas
800 W. Campbell Rd.
Richardson, TX 75080

University Website

Howard E. LeFevre '29 Emerging Practitioner Fellowship

Announcement follows

The Architecture Section of the Knowlton School of Architecture (KSA) is searching for applicants with demonstrated talent and enthusiasm for the making and teaching of architecture. Within an award-winning facility designed by Mack Scogin Merrill Elam Architects, the KSA fosters a unique environment for innovative design research and critical inquiry. The School enjoys the benefits of a large research institution including collaborative relationships with The Wexner Center for the Arts and the Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design.

Corporate Training in India - Management training courses, Business training courses, Teachers training courses, vocational training courses, English training courses.

The School is comprised of three sections: Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and City and Regional Planning. Architecture has approximately 300 students (225 UG and 75 G), 14 fulltime faculty members, and 20 adjunct faculty members. The strong regional base of the school is complemented by a broad global agenda, evidenced by international programs and initiatives throughout the world. Augmenting the intellectual environment of the Section are the Herbert Baumer Distinguished Visiting Professorships, the Howard E. LeFevre ’29 Emerging Practitioner Fellowship and outstanding lecture and exhibition series. Publications include Source Books and PRAXIS, Journal of Writing and Building.

IELTS coaching classes in Indore: full IELTS coaching - IELTS Writing, IELTS Reading, IELTS Listening and IELTS Speaking coaching. Material from British Council and Cambridge ESOL.

The Fellowship provides a 9-month residency for an emerging practitioner to investigate a specific project related to his/her overall development, to produce within the Fellowship period an exhibition and lecture of that work, and to develop their ideas in the context of teaching in architectural design studio. A Graduate Research Assistant will assist in producing the proposed project and monograph. A wide range of possible topics for study will be considered, with preference to those which can most take advantage of the school’s resources in history, contemporary culture and theory; advanced techniques in the design of buildings and cities; and research in technology, media and material assemblies.

Business English course in Indore: advanced English for Global Business with a foreign faculty and certified trainers from British Counsil for prompt success in international business.

To apply, send a letter of interest, a 1 page proposal of the residency project, curriculum vitae, 3 references, and portfolio to the address below. The search will remain open until the postion is filled.

Leadership, Skills, Personality Development Leadership Training, Business communication, solving conflicts, team building and persoality training in Indore and Mumbai.

Electronic submittals are encouraged; contact chair of committee for details. Material should be sent to:

Douglas Graf, Chair
Architecture Faculty Search Committee
The Knowlton School of Architecture
275 West Woodruff Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43210-1138

The Ohio State University is an Equal Opportunity, Affi rmative Action Employer. To build a diverse workforce, Ohio State encourages applications from women, minorities, veterans, and individuals with disabilities.

Master's Scholarships 2011-2012 at Maastricht University

Maastricht University invites applications for the 2011-2012 Master programs in various fields: Arts&Culture, Behavioural & Political Science, Business & Economics, Education, Health & Life Sciences, Law, etc.

Business English course in Indore: advanced English for Global Business with a foreign faculty and certified trainers from British Counsil for prompt success in international business.

Maastricht University (UM) is a European university with a strong international outlook. Cherishing and stimulating talented people and creating opportunities for innovative education and research relevant to today’s society are our core values. 

Leadership, Skills, Personality Development Leadership Training, Business communication, solving conflicts, team building and persoality training in Indore and Mumbai.

To study in Maastricht is to study with an international perspective. When compared to other universities in the Netherlands and its surrounding countries, Maastricht University has the highest ratio of international students, representing all corners of the globe. More than half of our master's students come from outside the Netherlands, and this international flavour is infused into every aspect of our education and student life.

IELTS coaching classes in Indore: full IELTS coaching - IELTS Writing, IELTS Reading, IELTS Listening and IELTS Speaking coaching. Material from British Council and Cambridge ESOL.

The diversity of students at Maastricht University is not only a reflection of its quality and location but also of the diversity of programmes offered. Across the internationally accredited, award-winning faculties, Maastricht University has striven to offer the widest range of graduate programmes possible to suit all major areas of study. We also work to offer programmes for full-time students as well as practicing professionals.

Corporate Training in India - Management training courses, Business training courses, Teachers training courses, vocational training courses, English training courses.

A notable element of our programmes that sets them apart from other continental European universities is that nearly all of the graduate programmes are offered in English.


Monday, 28 November 2011

6th Annual Graduate Conference in European History

Paper submissions are welcomed for the 6th Annual Graduate Conference in European History - Transformation in European History - that will be held in Vienna, Austria, on May 3–5, 2012.

Leadership, Skills, Personality Development Leadership Training, Business communication, solving conflicts, team building and persoality training in Indore and Mumbai.

The “transition” of political systems in Southern Europe and Latin America since the 1970s and the revolutionary changes in Central and Eastern Europe in 1989/91 have resulted in the rise of “transformation studies” in social sciences. The term transformation is commonly understood as the politically steered transition from communist dictatorship to democracy, from a planned to a market economy, and from a closed to an open society. In contrast to this teleological reading the 6th GRACEH conference intends to explore a historical approach to transformation. A very broad working definition of the term would characterize transformation as a “period of especially intense and accelerated structural changes on a political, social, economic, and cultural level” that were caused by major political and social upheavals such as the breakdown of the continental empires in 1918, the French Revolution in the late 18th century, or the Reformation. Unlike the social sciences, we wish to broaden the application as far back as to the beginning of modern age. In what way can this concept of transformation be applied to contemporary, modern and early modern contexts? What kind of adjustments of the concept are required for the historicization of transformation?

Business English course in Indore: advanced English for Global Business with a foreign faculty and certified trainers from British Counsil for prompt success in international business.

The following three key aspects will serve as guiding questions throughout the conference:
■Which preconditions lead to periods of transformation? Which triggers, causes and turning points can be identified?
■On which levels does transformation occur? How can the complexity of transformation processes be analyzed without being trapped in teleological assumptions
■How is transformation perceived and interpreted by internal and external observers? How do transformation discourses influence the process itself?

IELTS coaching classes in Indore: full IELTS coaching - IELTS Writing, IELTS Reading, IELTS Listening and IELTS Speaking coaching. Material from British Council and Cambridge ESOL.

 The conference invites postgraduate and early career researchers in history and related disciplines to submit their papers dealing with this broad concept of transformation on the basis of textual and visual sources from the modern age onward. The proposals should consider and discuss political, social, and cultural dimensions, causes, evolution and perceptions of transformation. In order to enrich the discussion the GRACEH organizers have invited Gudrun Gersmann (DHI Paris/Universität Köln) and Christian Gerlach (Universität Bern) as external keynote speakers.

Corporate Training in India - Management training courses, Business training courses, Teachers training courses, vocational training courses, English training courses.

We look forward to receiving submissions on topics including but not limited to the following research areas:
■Continuity and discontinuity in transformation periods
■Agents of transformation
■Transfers and transnational dimensions of transformation
■Synchronic and diachronic comparative approaches for a history of transformation(s)
■Historical source material of transformation research
■Macro- and microhistorical approaches to transformation
■Legitimizations of transformation such as nation building, independence, liberty, and economical welfare, social movements, social network analysis, gender issues

The main conference language is English.

The conference has no registration fee. We offer logistic help to find good and low budget accommodation near the University of Vienna. A limited part of the travel cost for external participants can be covered on the basis of individual request (if you'd like to apply for a stipend, please provide documentation about your economic situation).

Please submit your proposal of max. 300 words and your CV by using the application form and send it to 

Before you submit your proposal, take a look at the checklist on the congress website!

Deadline for submission: January 15, 2012

If your proposal is accepted by the program committee, you are expected to submit a paper (5-10 pages) no later than April 1, 2012.

For any further questions, please contact the organizers by e-mail


Doctoral Program in International Business Taxa­tion, Vienna

The Doctoral Program in International Business Taxa­tion (DIBT) at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria, offers an excellent doctoral education to outstanding students from all over the world, fully preparing them to conduct research on international business taxation. DIBT provides high-quality interdis­ciplinary training for graduates in the field of interna­tional taxation, including and combining the disciplines of public finance, international tax law and cross-bor­der tax management.

Corporate Training in India - Management training courses, Business training courses, Teachers training courses, vocational training courses, English training courses.

DIBT focuses on high-quality academic education and internationally competitive research. It is aimed at the future elite of scholars and provides interdisciplinary training in taxation of enterprises‘ cross-border activi­ties, drawing on and combining the core disciplines public finance, international tax law, and cross-border tax management. By then expanding tax training to non-traditional yet highly relevant disciplines such as economic psychology, history, political science, ethics, and legal philosophy as well as organizational behavior and decision making, a broadening of horizons and a more comprehensive approach to research questions is achieved.

IELTS coaching classes in Indore: full IELTS coaching - IELTS Writing, IELTS Reading, IELTS Listening and IELTS Speaking coaching. Material from British Council and Cambridge ESOL.

The program takes three years to complete and awards a PhD degree to graduates. During the first year, par­ticipants acquire the basic knowledge necessary for working in an interdisciplinary manner. Building on this foundation, the second and third years are dedicated to seminars in related fields, a research stay abroad, additional optional workshops, and especially to doing research on a PhD thesis. For the duration of the entire program, students attend an accompanying research seminar. All courses are taught in English.

Leadership, Skills, Personality Development Leadership Training, Business communication, solving conflicts, team building and persoality training in Indore and Mumbai.

DIBT provides the opportunity to conduct research in the following areas:
*Determination of taxable profit
*Locational decisions
*EU tax for businesses
*International coordination of business taxation

Once admitted to DIBT, students can expect to obtain a top-quality education preparing them for a rewarding academic career or a highly specialized position in other, non-academic national or interna­tional institutions. DIBT‘s faculty is very well connected in the academic community and draws on extensive expertise to provide training for doctoral students and supervise their research.

The program is open to students from all countries, provided they hold a master or equivalent degree primarily in law, business, economics, psychology or, in exceptional cases, in other disciplines, if they have a sufficient background in taxation. Applications can be submitted using the online application tool.

Business English course in Indore: advanced English for Global Business with a foreign faculty and certified trainers from British Counsil for prompt success in international business.

DIBT is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). Only a small number of students can be admitted. For DIBT Collegiates tuition fees are waived. Only in exceptional cases fees of about EUR 380,-- per semester have to be collected. However, these fees will be reimbursed from DIBT funds. There is a limited number of grants avail­able to students in the amount of € 1,877 per month (tax and social insurance will be deducted from this amount). WU always goes the extra mile to provide an ideal research environment for the selected students.

The online application period for the academic year 2012/13 begins on November 1, 2011 (14:00, CET) and ends on February 15, 2012 (14:00, CET).

Only applications submitted within this period can be accepted.

Email for all inquiries:

Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference 2012 - Istanbul

EBES 2012 Conference - Istanbul will take place in Istanbul, Turkey with the support of Istanbul Economic Research Association. The conference will be held on May 24th, 25th, and 26th, 2012 at the Taksim Nippon Hotel. Abstract submission for the EBES 2012 Conference - Istanbul is now open.

Corporate Training in India - Management training courses, Business training courses, Teachers training courses, vocational training courses, English training courses.


We would also like to announce publication opportunities for qualified papers presented at the EBES 2012 Conference - Istanbul. Qualified papers will be published in the EBES journals (Eurasian Business Review and Eurasian Economic Review). EBES journals are indexed in the Cabell's Directory, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, RePEc, EBSCO Business Source Complete, ProQuest ABI/Inform, and EconLit (EER). Interested EBES 2012 Conferences participants can also resubmit their full papers for the EBES 2012 Anthology (has an ISBN number) which is published annually and includes papers presented in the EBES 2012 Conferences.


We are pleased to announce that distinguished researchers, Jonathan Batten, Ibrahim Turhan, and Euston Quah will join us as keynote speakers. Professor Batten is a well-known academician who has published articles in many of the leading economics and finance journals and serves as the editor of the Emerging Markets Review, co-editor of the International Review of Financial Analysis, associate editor of the Journal of Banking & Finance, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, and Research in International Business and Finance. Dr. Turhan is the deputy governor of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey and serves as a member of the Monetary Policy Committee. Professor Quah is the head of Economics and acting chair of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Nanyang Technological University. He has published articles in many of the leading economics journals and serves as the editor of the Singapore Economic Review and co-editor of the International Gambling Studies.

Business English course in Indore: advanced English for Global Business with a foreign faculty and certified trainers from British Counsil for prompt success in international business.


A special session on the economics of innovation will be organized at the EBES 2012 Conference – Istanbul. The distinguished researchers, Marco Vivarelli, Pierre A. Mohnen, and Giovanni Dosi will join the session as invited speakers. Professor Vivarelli is a well-known academician who has published articles in many of the leading economics journals and serves as the editor of the Eurasian Business Review and associate editor of the Small Business Economics and Industrial and Corporate Change. Professor Mohnen is a well-known academician in the field of the economics of innovation and has published articles in many of the leading journals in the field. Professor Dosi is professor of economics and vice president of the Italian Economic Society. He has published many researches in the field of the economics of innovation.

Leadership, Skills, Personality Development Leadership Training, Business communication, solving conflicts, team building and persoality training in Indore and Mumbai.

Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline: January 31, 2012

Reply-by: February 20, 2012
Paper Submission Deadline (Optional): April 15, 2012*
Registration Deadline: April 8, 2012
Announcement of the Program: April 30, 2012
Paper Submission for the EBES journals and EBES 2012 Anthology: July 30, 2012
* Completed paper submission is optional. If you want to be considered for the Best Paper Award, after submitting your abstract before January 31, 2012, you must also submit your completed (full) paper.

IELTS coaching classes in Indore: full IELTS coaching - IELTS Writing, IELTS Reading, IELTS Listening and IELTS Speaking coaching. Material from British Council and Cambridge ESOL.

Paper Submission
At least one author must be registered for each accepted paper to be included in the Conference Program. Registration fee is 250 Euros and 100 Euros for each additional paper. Accommodation is not included. Registration is required for all participants attending the conference. Registration fee includes the abstract book, the conference proceeding CD, and other conference materials. It also includes welcome reception, coffee breaks, and open buffet lunches during the conference.

You can also register without submitting a paper, in this case the registration fee will constitute 200 Euros. The deadline for the registration is April 8, 2012. To register, you should complete the registration form and pay registration fee. 

Please email to with any conference-related questions.

Campus Alert: Free Campus Recruitment Workshops in Indore Colleges

Campus Alert is an on-going project by Incisive Training pvt. ltd. aimed at guiding college students of M.P. towards the best placements in their dream multinational companies. To achieve the goal we arrange live meetings with students in their campuses and provide extensive placement counseling and free preparatory help for students to face and crack campus recruitment exams. During the events of Campus Alert project our trainers share the latest techniques of passing:

Our trainers generated vast employability testing and preparatory material including specific questions, companies' placement papers, previous placements analysis, hiring officers' feedback. We also deploy mock-interview online practice by management-level technical professionals.


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The Goldman Sachs Scholarship for Excellence

Scholarships and grants for international students @ University of New York in Pragu

Business English course in Indore: advanced English for Global Business with a foreign faculty and certified trainers from British Counsil for prompt success in international business.

Americas Scholarship for Excellence

The Goldman Sachs Scholarship for Excellence Program, established in 1994, is an integral part of our diversity recruiting effort, helping to attract Black, Hispanic and Native American undergraduate students to careers at Goldman Sachs.

Recipients of the scholarship in their sophomore year receive a $5,000 award toward tuition and academic expenses for one year. Students invited to return for a second summer internship are eligible to receive an additional award of $10,000. Recipients in their junior year receive a scholarship award of $10,000. Scholarship recipients also receive an offer for a paid Goldman Sachs summer internship.

Leadership, Skills, Personality Development Leadership Training, Business communication, solving conflicts, team building and persoality training in Indore and Mumbai.

Scholarship for Excellence

MBA Fellowship

The Goldman Sachs MBA Fellowship is an integral part of our diversity recruiting effort. The Fellowship is designed to increase the level of interest in and awareness of careers in the financial services industry among Black, Hispanic and Native American business school students. The Fellowship is also a reflection of our Business Principles and is awarded to recognize outstanding students and the achievements they have made.

IELTS coaching classes in Indore: full IELTS coaching - IELTS Writing, IELTS Reading, IELTS Listening and IELTS Speaking coaching. Material from British Council and Cambridge ESOL.

Recipients of the fellowship will receive:

• A summer internship in a US domestic office. We provide students with the opportunity to work as a summer associate between the first and second years of business school so that they gain insight into the financial services industry, our firm and our culture

• A $15,000 award toward tuition, academic and living expenses

• Upon successful completion of the summer internship and acceptance of a full time offer, Goldman Sachs will also underwrite tuition costs associated with the second year of business school or an additional $15,000 award toward tuition, academic and living expenses

Corporate Training in India - Management training courses, Business training courses, Teachers training courses, vocational training courses, English training courses.

Scholarship official website: